
There is no direction, no time All that we think real is not any more The true self is in Kailash I have been Kailash all the while Just that when I saw it, I knew I was in Kailash, I am only the projection Neither do I understand who the projector is Nor do I... Continue Reading →

I picked this information somewhere I don't remember now. Movement of prana energy from toe to head and back from head to toe is marked with the phase of moon. Energy level is greatest in these points on days mapped base on distance from moon in given below. I Moon day - Piradhamai - Great... Continue Reading →

Modern Medicine and Spiritual Healing

Our universal energy is called the prana shakthi or the Qi or the Ki energy. The ultimate God people refer to, some say their work is worship and devote themselves. There are various means to attain what one has to. That is what could have been the destiny. For people who don't believe in destiny,... Continue Reading →

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